Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Feature!

Hello True Believers!

Has it been a month since I last posted anything? Time flies when you're having fun I guess. I have also had the opportunity to learn how to live without running water, since a thoughtful ex-neighbor decided to turn off his heater when he moved out, freezing the pipes solid in this sub-zero siberia. Ah, Alamosa, where utilities are luxuries. I'm starting to have enough of the valley's shenanigans.

Anyway, I did some tweaking today, threw a new template up, looks a little different from the old. I also added an RSS feed of my Netflix Queue. I usually keep 20-25 movies on it, which is good when you want to kind of pick and choose, but some movies just kind of fall to the bottom, so I am trying to go through all of them before I add some more. If you have any suggestions, leave me a comment, and you might just see it on the list.

Hasta Leugo muchachos!

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