Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Researchers: Why Flip-Flops Are Bad For Your Feet

I knew there was a reason I hated them. But I guess if you are dumb enough to wear them and annoy others around you, you deserve foot pain and parasites.

Researchers at Auburn University have found that wearing flip-flops alters the way one walks, changing the gait in subtle ways that can lead to serious sole, heel and ankle problems. They presented these findings earlier this month at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Indianapolis.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sam The Farmer

Good read, I think pretty well sums up the predicament we have gotten ourselves into with importing more of our goods than we are producing.

What the story of a farmer who had a huge farm with plenty of valuable resources - but who wouldn't use it and instead bought his supplies from others - should teach us about our own role in the oil crisis. Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Random Thoughts and Other Stuff Rattling in the Head

*How long is it going to take for anarchy to break out after January 20th when Obama-your-mama gets inaugurated and the crazy libs have total power. With gas prices, food prices, and utilities prices jumping like Mexican Jumping Beans, it just feels like a pressure cooker.

*I wish people would learn how to empty the paper shredder. The bag is like a foot away from it. Then again, it's fun to watch the monkeys keep flipping the switch. Stupid monkey.

*What's with flip flops? Do people like the sensation of holding their shoes on by their toes, and making that annoying "WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!" sound? I would imagine it would make the soles of your feet numb.

Monday, June 02, 2008

CHP Trick High School Students About Death of Classmate

In an elaborate hoax, a CHP officer tells students that a classmate is dead in a drunk-driving incident. MADD says it saves lives. Some readers wonder.

I found this story off of Fark, which linked to a blog blasting this practice. The article says the practice has been going on for around 10 years, and to me is a great way to get to teenagers, let the "shit hit the fan" and the reality sink in that their actions have consequences. Check it out.

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