I feel guilty, I have been neglecting my little blog here. It's pretty sad when you start to rely on other people to convey your own thoughts. Plus doing that whole work thing, and lack of energy to do much in general other than what's required. Anyway, here are a few brain nuggets to ponder and/or laugh at.
- Yesterday, overheard a co-worker say to another co-worker "I have a blog now, how do I get people to see it?" (what a question!). Come to find out she also blogs "random stuff". I'm glad there is enough random stuff to go around.
- Heard a comment on the news this morning that the current economic snafu is just part of the seven year cycle of economic ups and downs. What was happening seven years ago? 9/11 and the instability of the aftermath. Makes you wonder.....
- G. Gordon Liddy had a excellent tribute to 9/11. I suggest finding it if you can. I will never forget standing there getting ready for work and watching the second plane and knowing things would never be the same. Let's hope we never forget.
- I actually had an "discussion" with a fellow office dweller when he had said that we need to "take from the rich and give to the poor". This whole "Robin Hood" mentality is getting out of control. Here's a point to ponder: What happens to the level of charitable funds being spent by Bill Gates, self-made gazillionaire, is forced to pay more taxes to support lazy welfare leeches? I wouldn't be so generous.
- In the same "discussion", the race card was pulled. Does anyone know how many of them are out there and where to get them, because as much as they are being and going to be used, they are going to be wearing out and need replaced. Maybe someone can make some money, but then they would just have to give it away. Gotta love socialism comrade.
Anyway, there should be enough there for some entertainment to hold you over. I am going to try and keep things going, there's going to be plenty to talk about in this election season. Later Days!
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