Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Can Owlgore Be Wrong?

Here's an interesting interview from Fox and Friends via from John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel. He is accusing Al Gore of using global warning to fraud the public into buying carbon credits and making millions. I have always wondered about carbon credits and if they actually go towards reducing carbon emissions in other places than Al's mansion. Check out the video here.

John also made some disparaging comments about The Weather Channel and how they have moved away from reporting the weather. I have to agree with him, I watch for about 1-2 minutes in the morning just to see what their radar is saying, which I get just as much info looking out the window on my way to work. I think their resources would be better used to report the weather in more areas, such as Southern Colorado instead of lumping us in with Denver. But then again, it is the valley, "and no high-falutin' weather telling machine would never be able to figure out the weather here."

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