Thursday, July 19, 2007

Funny thing happened to me today...

I remembered I had a blog. I was sending an e-mail, and went, "hmmmm, what's this Lacaland?"

Then panic set in. "What if someone has been checking every day for the cream of the crop from IMAO and Digg? Or even better, my musings?"

That was followed by uncontrollable laughter, which got me strange looks from started co-workers. What's that straitjacket for?

Anyway, I realized today that it's almost August. Where did the summer go? Have I really just set the cruise control and floated along for two months? Naw, couldn't be. Time is a funny thing, so damned fleeting. It's so damned easy to get into a cycle of work, sleeping, and paying bills, and a few beers with co-workers. Hopefully things will pick up, with Frontier Days and Ski-Hi, mom and my sister coming, and a week of vacation, if I ever get it planned.

Oh yeah I bought a Remington 700 SPS .223, so far I am happy with it, but I have only been out to shoot with it once, and that was spent sighting it in. I also been out fishing, but the fishing gods are mad, so I have been skunked. Just gives me an excuse to get back out there.

That's All Folks!!!!

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